Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Chris Robinson?
Where has Chris traveled to himself?
When do the Chris Robinson Travel Shows air and where can I listen?
What destinations are discussed in the Chris Robinson Travel Show?
How will I know what destination is coming up on Saturday?
How can I find out more about the destinations featured?
What if I want to book a vacation to the destination?
Does Chris have any hints and tips for travelers?


Who is Chris Robinson?

Chris was born to travel. He first traveled around the world when he was 6 years old and took a year off to travel across Asia to the Himalayas before University, where he studied Geography at Magdalene College, Cambridge in the UK.

Chris Robinson’s professional background is rooted in travel. His first job was with the world’s largest tour operator and he spent 25 years working for many of the leading travel companies in Europe and North America.

He is a professional broadcaster, travel writer, consultant, co-author of the widely used textbook, “Marketing for Tourism” and is a Fellow of the Institute of Travel and Tourism and of the Royal Geographical Society.

Click here for more information about Chris.

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Where has Chris traveled to himself?

Chris has traveled to 150 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North and South America, plus every Province and Territory in Canada. 

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When do the Chris Robinson Travel Shows air and where can I listen?

The Chris Robinson Travel Show on Zoomer Radio - the new AM740 (at 740 on the AM dial) airs every Saturday from 1pm to 2pm. 

The Chris Robinson Travel Show on CJAD 800 Montreal (at 800 on the AM dial) airs every Saturday from 11am to 12pm. 

Both shows are also webcast at these times so you can listen online to Chris even if you are outside of the radio station broadcast area. And you can catch shows that you have missed as they are podcast on this site.

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What destinations are discussed in the Chris Robinson Travel Show?

The destination changes every week. The destinations can be as close to home as Montreal and Toronto and as far flung as Tahiti and Tasmania.

The destinations featured previously on The Travel Show have included many Canadian destinations, South-bound sunspots in Mexico and the Caribbean, Europe, Cruising and more exotic long haul destinations in Asia, the South Pacific and Down Under.

Click here for information on recently featured destinations.

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How will I know what destination is coming up on Saturday?

Each week this website is updated to tell you about the destination coming up
on Saturday. The destination of the week is featured on the home page - so check back every week!

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How can I find out more about the destinations featured?

Every week the destination feature page gives you websites to visit plus any available toll free numbers and information services. After the show airs Chris’s own detailed travel notes are added to the destination page and you can access all this information on the interactive map. Click here.
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What if I want to book a vacation to the destination?

Chris Robinson is not a Travel Agent or a Tour Operator and cannot book any travel arrangements for you. This allows Chris to be more objective than would otherwise be possible.

If you want to make specific travel bookings Chris suggests you work with a reputable Travel Agent or contact specific Travel Companies or Tourist Boards direct. Chris lists contact information for all the destinations featured in the destination information on the interactive map. Click here.

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Does Chris have any hints and tips for travelers?

Chris is concerned that you travel safely, comfortably and enjoyably to your destination.
See Useful Travel Links for information on Health, Security, Travel Insurance and more.

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