Top 10 Warmest People

Chris’ personal picks from places in the world that he has visited.

Irish: Emerald Isle, diamond people - without question, it’s the warmth of the Irish people that will linger longest in your memories of any trip to Ireland; total strangers who treat you as close friends and the ‘craic’ - party spirit-  of the Irish pubs, is legendary.

Thai: There are no more gentle people on the planet than the Thais. Their Buddhist culture underpins their genuine desire to please travellers and their rich cultural heritage is easy and wonderful for visitors to access.

Newfoundlanders:  What makes Newfoundlanders so friendly? Their Celtic heritage, self-reliance or remoteness from stressful big cities? Whatever the cause, their positive spirit brings me again and again to The Rock.

New Zealanders: The Kiwis are the closest people in spirit to Canadians in my opinion: they, too, have a beautiful homeland; they have a big brother neighbour in Australia, and they take great delight in showing off their home to travellers…but always in an under-stated kind of way.

Tahitians: My wife and I were travelling with our ten week old baby and we treated ourselves to an upscale dinner in Papeete, Tahiti’s capital: just as our meal arrived, baby Pip started to cry.  Without hesitation, our Tahitian server scooped Pip up in one arm and served meals with the other until we had finished our meal…much to Pip’s delight.

Bajans: Nature has blessed Barbados with many attractions, and the people of this Caribbean island complete the package. I have run the Barbados Marathon twice, and each time I was carried along on a wave of enthusiastic support from the Bajans lining the route.

Greeks: Have you ever tried to visit a Greek home without being invited to eat with your hosts? It’s impossible! They are possibly the most hospitable people in the world – in Greece and wherever in the world they have settled.

Sherpas: In the Himalayan valleys of Nepal live a self-reliant people who welcome the Westerners who trek through their homeland. They seem to rise above earthly hardship in their incredible, vertical landscape, and their quiet nobility embraces travellers who journey there.

Bolivian Aymara and Quechua Indians: I once spent many weeks trekking around Lake Titicaca high on the Bolivian and Peruvian altiplano; I had no tent, nor were there hotels for the most part.  I simply staggered into the next village at the end of each day and these wonderful people shared their homes and their food with me.

Kurds: Years ago, I was camped out near the Turkish/Iranian border. We were surrounded by armed Kurds who invited two of us to their camp, where we were feted until dawn!  I have never forgotten their good spirited hospitality.