Top 10 Romantic Destinations

Chris’ personal picks from places in the world that he has visited.

St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Undeveloped, unspoiled and cloaked in emerald green rain forest, the mother island of St. Vincent also boasts an archipelago necklace of pristine tropical islands for the most perfect get-away-from-it-all experience.

Treetops Lodge, Kenya: There is something wonderfully powerful, primeval and romantic about staying up all night together in this atmospheric old wooden lodge built on stilts among the trees overlooking a waterhole and watching the nocturnal activities of the animals of the African plains.

Heidelberg, Germany:  Imagine an ancient castle ruin standing atop a wooded hill overlooking a medieval university town, with  the Neckar River meandering through the town, old cobbled streets, quaint taverns, marketplaces and coaching inns dating back centuries…

Kashmir, India: Once upon a peaceful time in this Shangri-La land, I stayed in blissful peace on a Victorian houseboat on Lake Dal beside a medieval town, with the Himalaya perfectly mirrored in dazzling waters…and I was lost to the magic of Kashmir.  One day it will be possible to visit again and I will return with the love of my life.

Taj-Mahal, India: I was so prepared to be disappointed with the Taj…and yet was blown softly away on the river breeze when I first saw it, by moonlight, from a distance.  Close up, the love affair deepened.  It is, quite simply, the perfect architectural embodiment of love.

Moorea, French Polynesia: A thatched hut built on stilts over the warm waters of a turquoise lagoon, a tiny verandah over the natural aquarium around us, and steps that lead you gently into the clear warm waters…heaven on earth!

Cambridge, UK: OK, so this is a very personal choice…it’s where my romantic fate was sealed, arm-in-arm together on the medieval Magdalene Bridge as the moon’s reflection rippled across the River Cam and the spires of King’s College Chapel were silhouetted in the distance…

 Le Château Frontenac: Our very own romantic hot spot: winter or summer, this castle-like hotel occupies an eminence in between The Citadel and Old Quebec in Quebec City and epitomizes the chic grandeur of our most beautiful Canadian city.

Tuscany, Italy: Romance spices the Tuscan air, infuses the Tuscan wines and hangs miasma-like in the early morning mists that often surround the hill-top villages; stay in a castle, a villa or a farmhouse and let the essence of Tuscany seep into your soul!

Frégate Island, Seychelles: A 20 minute flight from Mahé, itself an island speck in the Indian Ocean, this tiny island boasts a luxury lodge, unique flora and fauna and privacy that embraces perfect granite coves to yourself.